1. Check out SeedsNow.com = lots of carrot varieties and tons of seeds in those 99¢ USA pkgs! Also consider 247Garden.com to purchase 50-60 gallon Grow Bags for growing your carrots in so the ground area could be used for longer growing crops. Buy in multiples of 5 and you might get 6 instead plus a discount might be available. I use 15 Grow Bags 55 gallon size for long tubers like carrots & turnips and for my lettuces so they are slug free and able to move to shade during hot days.

  2. This video is incredibly valuable information! Thank you so much for sharing your process around planning the year out down to ordering seed. I wonder how you determine the amount of seed to order to get the number of plants you're planning for…I'm sure you've got that all figured out in terms of how much seed is required to plant a bed or some such. Anyway, right now we just have our small garden out the back and I'll begin practicing what you've shared here for next years garden. Meanwhile, we're looking for land and aspire to grow 90% of the food we consume as soon as we acquire it, and when we succeed at that, if we still love it, we're considering going commercial! At that point we'll have taken your online course. Many thanks for the generous sharing of information…

  3. Thank you for this Richard. It is fascinating and very useful to get this depth of info on your operation, and methods. I am only growing on a family scale but none the less this discussion was so useful to me. You are very generous with your knowledge and expertise, which I guess is your ethos in action. Much appreciated.

  4. Thank you for leaving the sounds of your kids in the background. Made the whole thing so much more real and wonderful. That's how it is! Working at home has it's upsides, and it really really has it's downsides. But, it's all worth it. Probably.

  5. Hey Richard. Quick question for you.
    Received your book (thanks!) and currently crop planning for the market garden. I am mostly using Fred Thériault and Daniel Brisebois' excellent method (Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers) but I'd love to simplify the method of using yield/bedfeet with your single-size bed method.
    Has something major changed around this principle since you've first published your book? Do you sometimes divide some of the beds during harvest or field date?
    Thanks for everything from QC, Canada

  6. With such constant successional rotations (planting quick growers in the 'gap periods' as Matt mentions), how do you keep the soil nutrient content balanced and not degrading? Do you just add compost or organic fertilizers etc in between – or do you find the soil keeps its nutrient content by rotating the right crops (nitrogen fixers and such)?

  7. Awesome video, thanks heaps for showing us your spreadsheets and what you're cranking out in november.
    It must be so hard for Matt to leave, it's like he does and he doesn't want to leave, its tough.
    Not sure if many other comments about this but pop those seed sites in the video description if you think they're awesome.

  8. In the UK I'm struggling to find taymo or taimo to tamo organics? I can find tamar organics but they don't appear to list days to maturity (DTM), in fact I'm having a real problem finding seed suppliers in the UK that clearly list DTM. I realise it's just a peak season value but part of the fun is working out how the shorter days effect the growth time so you could then say I need (n)KG's of a crop on this date and you can then see when you need to seed it to meet the demand.

  9. You keep saying the word "RICO" but I never remember ever hearing what it means? I know it's an acronym but for the life of me, I can't figure it out. Please explain so I know I'm not the only one watching this that doesn't know what it means.

  10. I'm thinking of starting an organic Market Garden in the UK. I'm putting a business plan together along with a crop plan. The crop plan is a real pain in the backside. I used to be a software developer and I'm seriously thinking of writing a web app to do Market Garden planing and job management because I don't wan't to have to use multiple spreadsheets every year.

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