1. Looking at the condition of the raised beds in your garden, I am sure that will reflect on the rest of the redevelopment. It is nice and tidy. Having a plan is the main objective. Little and often wins the day. ???

  2. Sounds great! I loved what you said at the start haha Do you have any access to manure? Like a farmer friend who could dump some into a trailer with a tractor? We knew somebody with horses who was happy to do that for us, after all, it was just piling up at her place. Were you planting all shallots in this video? I'm trying to decided whether to plant onions from sets this year. The last two years, I tried planting onions from seed mid-February and they just didn't turn out. They were really weak and lanky when I transplanted them and either got overtaken by a heat wave or by other plants. I added this video to my playlist. You're the first one to get your video up so it's exciting!

  3. My plot had been unused for 8 years when I took it on in 2016. I made raised beds filled with municipal compost at £1 a fill your own bag (doesn't say how big your bag can be, mine were 200 litres!).
    Like you, I am no-dig. Just pile more compost etc on top each year.
    Several growers grow alliums in the same spot every year with no problems – might be worth considering if you are problem free this harvest?

  4. And here I thought you grew mainly worms with a little bit of gardening on the side! I see your plan up inside your head and It's a good one. My biggest hope is that it manifests itself in your garden just as it looks in your mind. Good luck as that has not happened for me not one time?
    Isn't it neat to build a greenhouse like you have and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg? Your plants are going to be happy.
    I am floored at what and how much people have to dig OUT of their allotment before they can even get started.
    I can just see Miss Sprinkles performing a ribbon cutting ceremony and her being the first to officially giving a toast to your new allotment as she plants that first potato lol. ?

  5. I grinned when you said, "Do I look like someone with a plan?" sounds like me most times. ~ I say, " It is a plan to have no plan .. that's the plan." Hum.. do you follow those few words of wisdom? Well, then good job, if you did.. My job and plan is done… wink… Have a great day my gardening /worm guardian friend… Take care, Laura

  6. Hello. Just subbed to your channel. I'm looking forward to joining your journey at your new allotment. Sometimes, it's all about the planning! The no dig method is the ticket. Feed the soil. That is what I've learned at both of my gardens. Happy Gardening! Catherine

  7. your garden is really coming along! the soil in the allotment you have to till it the first year you need air pockets down there. mix in a yard of mushroom mulch and add crushed rock like pea gravel! but you have to till the first year and dig down a good 2 feet!

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